On Thursday the 15th of October 2015 the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Queensland Police Legacy Scheme was held. This years AGM was a special one in that it saw the membership unanimously vote for the awarding of life membership to Bernie Christensen.

Bernie Christensen being presented with his life membership plaque and name tag by QPLS President Greg Tutt
Current Assistant Treasurer and long serving director Evan Morgan spoke in support of his motion to award life membership to Bernie. He said, “Bernie Christensen has served the Queensland Police Legacy Scheme with distinction in the role of Secretary/Manager for 7 and a half years from 2007 to 2015. Indeed being Secretary/Manager of the Queensland Police Legacy Scheme can best be described as a lifestyle rather than a job given the 24/7 nature of that role. Prior to that, Bernie served as a Director of the Queensland Police Legacy Scheme for 22 and a half years from 1985 to 2007. During that time Bernie served as Assistant Secretary and sat on many committees, often a number at a time. Bernie has served the Queensland Police Legacy Scheme with distinction for 30 years across 4 decades and is most deserving of being awarded life membership.”
In response Bernie thanked the board and membership for their support and stated that he was humbled to receive life membership for something that had given him so much joy over many years.